Friday, September 19, 2008

good going zibika!!

though i am not a very regular blogger, i felt like writing for this site, the reason being the concept and idea of zibika really appealed to me. though i am a regular investor in the market and i almost go through 10 15 sites everyday to keep my self updated, but i was really happy to see a site like this covering such quantitative conetent with nice quality...

secondly wat i liked abt zibika is the concept on which they have made this site..the whole community concept is really is going to be one of the most prominent features that is going to pull users and make them stick to the site.

thirdly the best part that i liked abt the site it the amount and the width of data and information they cover regarding personal finance...rite from credit cards, markets to all the banking functions. india being a growning economy has a whole lot of new players and comsumers growing at a very fast pace and something like this was really needed and i feel the whole team of zibika has done a good effort to make it happen!!

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