Friday, September 19, 2008

where are we heading?

the news in the last 3 4 days has been a real shock, especially to those who have close associations with the stock market. it came as a blow to the investor community...the closure of lehman brothers and the outright sale of merrill lynch came as a big suprise..nobody had expected the losses of subprime to go to such an extent..
but given the current scenario i feel the world is heading for another period of depression and its going to take another four to five years for the financial markets around the globe to stabilize.given the growth rate of america it was easy to assume where the economy was heading.. the growth rate had been lying stagnant for a very long time and sooner or later this had to happen...
anyways the next best thing to go for is gold at the moment...the only thing that people trust is i feel buying gold at this point of time can really give you amazing returns after a period of say 2 years, till the time these kind of financial conditions are prevailent in the market..all i expect is that these kind of things do not happen in the future, because ultimately its the shareholder who looses the money and this gives a rise to 100 more problems. i hope the world is heading for a better tomorrow!!

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